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Import Trip Plans
You or someone using this computer or device previously created Trip Plans.
What should we do with these plans?
Make these Trip Plans part of my account
Discard these Trip Plans
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Password Reset
Please enter the email you used to set up your account.
We'll send a link to use to reset your password.
Check Your Email
If there is an account with the email address , we will send you a link to reset your password

Awakened Hearth

Whether you are looking for clarity and insight into personal, inner or outer experiences or circumstances in your life, or you are ready to take it a step further and actively participate in your own personal healing journey towards your most empowered and fulfilling life, I am here to assist you in your process. Online and in-person sessions available. See our website for more information.
40 Soldiers Pass Rd
Sedona, AZ 86336
(541) 525-2872

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