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Create an Account
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Import Trip Plans
You or someone using this computer or device previously created Trip Plans.
What should we do with these plans?
Make these Trip Plans part of my account
Discard these Trip Plans
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Password Reset
Please enter the email you used to set up your account.
We'll send a link to use to reset your password.
Check Your Email
If there is an account with the email address , we will send you a link to reset your password

Meetings & Events

Are you planning a special group escape to Sedona, incentive, reunion, corporate team building, or something else to commemorate? The City of Sedona's Destination Management & Marketing Organization (DMMO) is your resource for planning and assisting with meeting in Sedona. We can connect you with transportation professionals, local attractions, accommodations, restaurant and catering services, and so much more. 


Please complete the following form and your information will be compiled and shared with the appropriate matching businesses to assist you with your special event. Please contact [email protected] with questions.


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